Electric Vehicle Charging

Charging Your Electric Vehicle At Home
Charging your electric vehicle at home is where the majority of your charging will take place. Depending on the installation we can help you select a suitable charging unit. We will consider a few key issues to determine whether you can have an EVCP at home: whether you have somewhere suitable to locate the charge point and your EV (electric vehicle) while it’s charging & whether it is safe to add an EV to the demands on your electricity supply. In some cases you may need permission to install it from your landlord.

Charging Your Electric Vehicle At Work
Supplying your employees with electric vehicles is a cost-effective way of offering company cars as charging units are inexpensive to run and require minimal servicing. Providing electric company cars is a great way of demonstrating your environmental credentials to clients. It is also a move worth considering as you plan for the future as the government continues to place pressure on businesses to become more environmentally friendly.
For a business offering its employees electric company cars, the installation of charging points is essential. Our accredited and approved engineers can help you to fit your new charging points and can install multiple EV chargers in one visit to minimise downtime for your business.
Types of EV Chargers


It is possible for fast chargers to be installed on your commercial premises, which will allow your staff to charge their vehicle in a few hours while they are at work. The time it will take for a full charge will depend on the vehicle and the rating of the charging point.

Slow chargers take anywhere between 6 and 12 hours to charge an EV, making them most popular amongst those who prefer to charge their vehicle overnight. For this reason, slow chargers are less likely to be used for commercial properties.
Rapid chargers can be found at motorway service stations and other public locations due to their fast-charging capabilities. The best example of a rapid charging unit is the Tesla Super Charger, which is designed to completely charge your vehicle in as little as 20 minutes.